A couple of months ago I joined an online community challenge of posting one picture per day for 100 days. The picture had to be something that made you happy that day. When you sign up, you are told that 71% of people quit before they get to the 100th day. BUT, those people who completed the full 100 day challenge reported: being more observant of what made them happy each day, being in a better mood every day, receiving more compliments, being more optimistic, becoming more aware of how lucky they are and falling in love during the 100 days.
I started the 100 happy day project a couple months after I started my gratitude project. My gratitude project is simple: each evening, I write down 5 things about that day that I am especially grateful for. I've always been someone who is very appreciative and thankful for the blessings in my life. But it's easy to say a prayer of thanks for the obvious blessings in our lives. My gratitude project has made me become more aware of the little things that happen in daily life that make me feel happy and put a smile on my face.
I truly believe that the reason for my recent increase of not just feeling happy but also the realization that I am feeling happy, is because of my gratitude project and my 100 happy days project. {In addition to the results of the 100 happy day challenge mentioned above, practicing gratitude has been shown to increase happiness levels by 25%} Both of these projects have made my happiness deeper and more meaningful. I now notice the little things throughout the day. In these moments I am fully present, unaware of the passing time. I am only aware that I feel good. There are so many small opportunities throughout the day that have the ability to add some positivity to our daily experiences, if we only notice. All of these small things add up to one big, really great day.
I am a bit restless with where I am in life at this exact moment [more on that in a later post] but even when my mind wanders to all of the worries and what-ifs and if-onlys, I catch myself. Thoughts that used to bring me down no longer have the power to do so. A worrisome thought doesn't last long in my mind. I immediately overcome it with positive vibes and I think to myself "But I'm just so happy!" I don't care about what isn't perfect, or what could go wrong. It doesn't matter because I'm happy. It is amazing to not feel stress..there is a freedom in that. The contentment, the inner peace. My happiness allows me to be here now, to surrender to whatever will be.
Even if you don't commit to the 100 happy days challenge or don't start your own gratitude project, I urge you to try to take notice of the little moments in your daily lives. The simple joys that warm your heart. I have probably never had more uncertainty in my life than I do right now and yet I couldn't be happier.
For more on the 100 Happy Days challenge or How gratitude can change your life,
visit these sites: http://100happydays.com and http://www.thechangeblog.com/gratitude/
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