Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wellness Project - Week 2, Part 2 Update

Before I got sick last week, I attended my first class at Seven Studios - a yoga class over the lunch hour. I have always loved (from afar) the yogi lifestyle but there was always a disconnect since I never actually practiced yoga. A few years back I attended my first yoga class. I went with a friend not realizing it was for the EXTREMELY advanced student. It was a really large class so there were no individual modifications given and I just basically didn't accomplish anything in the class. I left feeling very discouraged and never felt up to trying yoga since, as I didn't think my body could do it. Well. I am SO glad I have now experienced yoga the Seven Studios way! The instructor didn't just run us through the moves, she explained the energy and purpose behind the moves. You really do get so much more out of yoga when you apply all elements. It is just as good, if not better, for your mind as it is for your body. All of the positions (I guess that's what they're called?!?) were ones I could at least attempt, and modification options were given if your body was feeling something different for that day.

My favorite thing about the yoga class was that while there was a peaceful element to it, it was also a very relaxed atmosphere -- it wasn't like you had to be afraid to talk or anything. Towards the end, Mary showed us what move we were going to do next. It involved being down in a squatting position and then lifting yourself up so your inner thighs were resting on your triceps, with your feet behind you and lower legs parallel to the ground (can you picture that??) We all looked at her and then each other and laughed. HAHA -- I COULD NOT imagine holding myself up like that!!! But it was so great because she encouraged us to try. She told us we will probably fall {& promptly reminded us that that is what our mats are for} and then said this is how we can practice facing our fears. We are in a safe zone - a supportive environment where we are all trying the same thing, with our mats to cushion our fall. When we pull ourselves up and feel ourselves start to fall -- oh well. Go for it and face that fear. That, I think, is when I fell in love with yoga. I love when there are lessons behind things. Learn and practice how to handle facing fears (or any other life lesson) in this positive environment, and it will become a habit out there in the real world.

To sum up the fitness aspect, I have also done Barre classes this past week, which I was already doing here and there. That's also a great workout that I already loved. There are a few other classes at Seven Studios I have yet to try (I hated losing a few days last week!) and for when I can't get to the studio, I have some home workouts I was given to do using my treadmill. My challenge has truly been the routine and schedule of it all. Once I exercise, I feel great but finding a class that fits my ever-changing daily schedule has been SO hard. I have to try to not get discouraged. I need to remember that once I find a routine and a groove, it will be easier to implement. I was talking with Julie this week about this challenge and she encouraged me to set a Plan B. If I plan to go to a lunch yoga but my schedule changes, have a Plan B for that day's exercise waiting in the wings. That way I feel prepared and can still accomplish my goal without getting discouraged.

I use Sunday nights as my organization night to plan the week's schedule and this is when I also set up for Plan B. I've also found that it helps to sign up for the class when I block out the time in my calendar for it. That way, I am committed to more than a penciled-in slot in my planner.

In other news, I dislike logging my food. It makes me feel like I'm trying to lose weight, which I'm not. It isn't hard to do necessarily because I have an app that scans the barcode for anything I purchase at the grocery store (modern technology is amazing!) but it just feels like a lot of effort when I'm not trying to count calories. I am sticking to it, though, because it does make me think about what I am eating (now someone knows that I've eaten an Entenmann's chocolate donut!) and it is actually good for me to count calories, as much as I don't feel like it. I struggle with not getting enough energy (calories) throughout the day and constantly feeling tired. Before, I would just accept feeling that way. Now, when I see (or physically notice) that I am not getting enough calories, I make the effort of finding healthy ways to get the nutrition I need. I have been educating myself on alternatives to carbs to get these mid-morning or mid-afternoon energy boosts:: I purchased a green-smoothie recipe book and this week will be implementing that into my diet.

I think the ongoing challenge for the diet and exercise portion of the wellness project is going to be consistency and commitment. I need to be dedicated long enough to form a habit and that is not exactly easy. Can you relate? Do you have any tricks for getting your mind or body to think it wants to power walk at an incline for 30 minutes? Or that it wants to get up for a 6 am boot camp instead of sleeping in till 8?? Because the second I suggest that, I hear a little voice that says "Meghan, getting 8 hours of sleep IS just go ahead and sleep in." :) I must say what gives me the motivation to do whatever I have to do to reach my goals is the fact that this whole experience is a gift. There are 40-something other people who applied to win this experience and yet, I was one of those blessed with it. I can't waste it!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wellness Project - Week 2, Part 1 Update

Whew. Finally a moment to take a deep breath I think it has technically been a little over a week since my last post. Don't worry, you didn't miss much, I was horribly sick for most of last week which I absolutely hated. Not only do I loathe feeling uncomfortable, I also hate not being able to be productive. Luckily I am back this week!

This is an exciting post because I am going to tell you about the Life Coaching aspect of this project. Life coaching is all about goals and visualization. This is in perfect alignment with where I am in my life right now. I have already worked through the hard, negative stuff. Now it is all about building this positive and inspired life I envision for myself. 

Julie and I started simple - what are my 5 big picture goals for the next 12 months, with no regards to money, time, etc (we'll tackle those obstacles when we break down these 5 goals over the next week or two). Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Live on my own. 
It would be nice to have my own place, no roommates. My own little corner of the world. I would like to avoid throwing money away on rent, however. 

2. Become a life coach. 
I want the course to be paid off and completed within the next year. This is why going through my own life coaching over the next 6 months is so great - I want to experience it myself so I can know best how to give to others. I feel led to inspire others through my story of overcoming the trials of 2013 and finding opportunities to rebuild in a positive way.

3. Grow my business.
It's only a few months old. Within the next 12 months, I'd love the name to be recognizable and to have grown!

4. Travel.
I have friends all over the country and now have a bit more control over my vacation hours since I am my own boss! I'd love to squeeze in a few weekend trips to see the people I love and miss so dearly. Of course, this definitely has to overcome the money obstacle!!!

5. Maybe be in a relationship.
It kind of makes me laugh that I say maybe but that is only because I don't want to force anything (also, partially because in a year I will be about to turn 30 and I have to get married and give my parents grandkids at some point!) But, in all seriousness, I don't want to be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship, and I don't want to put an element of time on it. Right now I am putting zero effort into dating. I am going to walk down my path and do my thing. If the right guy crosses my path (either by chance or through a friend), I'm open to that. But I am definitely not venturing off my journey to go find his. I am doing my thing (career & hobbies) with my people (friends & family) so I don't really feel that there is a huge lonely void in my life or anything. That is why I'm not eager to fill it. I'm not a good casual dater. I tried dating after my break-up and I'm glad I did. It gave me a chance to know that I could apply the lessons learned in my last relationship. But from here on out, I'm only giving that energy to someone who earns it. It's hard work to be in a relationship and it takes a lot of time and a lot of willingness and I only give that to the special people in my life. I'm not giving priority in my schedule to someone that I know at Date 2 is not the man I am going to marry. I don't need a dinner partner, I have those. I want a lifelong companion and if I can't make it through a couple hours with you, I know I can't make it through life with you. There has to be potential there in order for me to allow you into my life. I'm very protective of my comfortable little pocket of the world I have for myself :) 

Julie did give me some homework on Goal #5. I'm to list what I need from a partner and what I can give to a partner. Notice it does not say what I want in a partner. I guess this way I will notice that person when I see them and I'll have some standards to know if this person should be let into my life. I made that list tonight in my Life Transformation journal (pictured below because it is so cute and inspiring!) but I will share this with you in a future update. It is actually harder to share the list than to write it for some reason. I'm not sure why, they are pretty standard things that I need or that I can give but I'm just not ready to send that out into the world yet! 

Look for a post tomorrow about the diet and exercise portion of this past week! Thank you again for following along in my journey!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Gratitude Project

My Grandma gave me a book recently that has been absolutely amazing. It's called "Simple Abundance" and it has a short passage for each day. It's a simple, quiet way to end my day but the messages are always so profound and moving. It is the perfect addition to my daily routine! 

The author talks about a lot of different themes, all empowering and inspiring. I am made aware of fresh perspectives through her writing. There's a passage about how the thirst for happiness never seems to be quenched. In another, she writes about the common under-lying sadness that is not fully becoming who we set out to be, but how it is never too late to listen to that voice inside your heart. Each day's message promotes growth and simplicity, awareness and contentment, and gratitude. 

She offers that we should scale back and renew our sense of living consciously, as opposed to going though the motions.  That we should take the time to literally stop and smell the roses, or notice the sun rays shining through the window. When we take the time to notice all of the simple, yet beautiful, details and moments in our daily lives, we will realize how truly blessed we are. When we practice gratitude, we receive contentment. 

She encourages the reader to invest in a Gratitude Journal. A journal that is picked out purely for this purpose. Everyday, take the time to write down 5 things that happened that one is grateful for. They could be simple things, mundane things, or they could be big things - it depends on the day. 

So now, the Single Girl Project has grown to not only include my Wellness Project but also my Gratitude Project. I think it will be a good way to stay small and to meditate & reflect on what really matters.

 This is my Gratitude Journal that I picked out. 

Be filled with joy.
A great daily inspiration.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life Transformation - Week 1

Last week I posted about the Life Transformation contest I won (you can read the post here). I encourage you to follow my progress -- I will be posting weekly updates, starting now! In keeping with the fact that I named my blog "The Single Girl Project" I will be calling this my Wellness Project -- so look for that title when I announce a new blog post in the future. This truly is a Wellness Project -- I will have a nutrition guide, a fitness prescription, as well as life coaching. The goal is to have a solid foundation in all areas so as to be your best self. 

{I promise not all of my posts will be this long, but this one has a lot of background info to share}

Week 1 consisted of a fitness & nutrition assessment. I met with Kayla and recorded some base line info and talked about my workout history as well as my goals for the 6 month project. I used to lift weights at least 5 times a week. I loved it, got really toned and really strong. I worked with a trainer, which helped. Then for about the last 2 years, maybe more, I never set foot in a gym. I would hike, walk or bike outdoors but that was about it. I lost a little weight since I wasn't building muscle any more but stayed fairly toned. 

However, I know that I could be healthier. I may be petite, but I am no longer strong, and I'm definitely not conditioned. I used to run a 7 minute mile when I played soccer and I don't even want to know what it would be now! So Kayla wrote up my fitness prescription full of ways to increase my cardio activity and get more conditioned. The plan also incorporates building my strength back up. 

From the nutrition aspect, I definitely need guidance and accountability. I am not afraid of carbs and I could literally eat nothing but sweets & desserts all day long. On top of that, I don't eat a lot. I snack throughout the day (which is good) but only have one moderately sized meal a day. I get full quickly and also I don't really love to eat. I eat because I'm hungry, not because I enjoy it…I know, that sounds terrible. So I told Kayla I wanted lean, filling and healthy options to incorporate into my lunch or dinner but also good alternatives for snacks throughout the day. Since I already use all non-toxic products for my skin, I want to start eating organic, non-toxic foods as well. I have good intentions for doing this, I just don't really know where to start.

Kayla provided me with a very thorough FIT plan for Month 1. 

I must say, when I saw my exercise schedule, I felt like I had just got my class schedule in college -- the  semester when all your classes were at 8am, across campus, or with a professor with a bad rep. I think the classes will be fun, but it will all just be so new. I only know how to be in a huge gym with a ton of other people lifting, where it's easy to fly under the radar. In a class setting, I have this presumption that I will stick out more as a beginner so it's a bit intimidating. I'm sure once I get through my first class and realize that I can handle it, I will feel more confident. It will also be so great to get to know the instructors and other class-goers. I also got a little panicked when I saw this schedule because I have not had a gym routine in years!!!! Those first seven days of creating the habit of exercising are going to be so hard. I know I will feel great after a workout, as I always do, and I know once it becomes a part of my daily routine again I won't even question or hesitate. But that first step is so hard -- that's why it's been two years! And that's why I'm so grateful for this program…having a team there holding me accountable, having a support group there with me…that is what is going to push me to stick to this prescription! 

My other task is to create a food journal. This will help me track my calories and my nutrition. I learned from the assessment that I need 1300 calories a day just for my body to have enough energy to rest, let alone handle any physical activity.  This would probably explain why I always feel tired -- I know I don't consume that many calories. Between eating right and exercising regularly, I will have all kinds of energy coming my way! I am so excited to experience that! 

Do you feel overwhelmed? That was a lot of information, which is exactly what I received during my Week 1 orientation. Next update, I will share my progress with you after successfully being with the program for a full week!