Sunday, March 9, 2014

Living an Inspired Life

I don't like how it feels to not write. I need to write, so I miss it when I don't do it. It feels even worse when it affects other things, like this blog and its readers. So I apologize for my lack of posts over the last week or so. I've had a bit of writer's block! And, as much as I don't like to not write, it's worse if I write arbitrarily, unfocused and with divided attention. I need to write with inspiration, a sense of purpose, direction and meaning. So that's why I haven't written lately. I was not in the proper mindset to write something of quality.

Not only have I been incredibly busy {in the best of ways, but, still, there are only so many hours in a day} but I have also been doing a lot of reflection, building up to what I feel I am supposed to write. I've been reflecting through my daily journaling (not only in my Gratitude journal, but also in my thought journal.) All of this reflection has given me plenty of content to share with you so I am looking forward to a great week of blog posting -- touching on different challenges, different goals and different experiences.

Today, though, I want to write about yoga. [This may seem boring to you and you may be reading this and think that, because you don't practice yoga, this post has nothing to do for you. But that's not true!] It is important because it has impacted every area of my life and has been the reason for being able to not only reflect on moments or thoughts, but also to find the inspiration in them. I only added yoga to my routine in just the past few weeks and it has already transformed my life!

{which is SO exciting! the life transformation project is working!}

Our yoga sessions focus on being inspired and creating positive energy to send back out to the world, reflecting on gratitude throughout the duration and committing to an intention at every class - someone out there who inspires you to power through, or who needs some good energy. Julie, our instructor, is full of positive stories and affirmations that provide a new perspective and a renewed urge to push through a challenge. The mind-body connection of discovering your strength, both physical and inner determination, really speaks to me. I've learned that when a position is challenging and I want to quit, to just push myself a little more, to tap into a new level of inner strength -- this is something we all experience every day. Push yourself just a little more in that one moment where you want to quit and you will find that you overcome that moment. I've learned awareness -- of your breath and your core, of the moment and of the inspiration that is all around. Now, in the little frustrations that occur throughout the day, I have been able to remove myself and reflect on the fact that in the big picture, this one little moment is not strong enough to conquer my peace! I've learned that a deep breath, a positive thought or a quiet moment of being grateful, is enough to change your day, to change someone else's day, and to cause a ripple affect that will come back around to you.

Yes, I have known these things for a long time and try to live these lessons as best as I can. But, several posts ago [you can read them here and here], I talked about wanting to be able to live more in the moment and how it is hard to do with the challenges of the outside world trying to break you down everyday. Living in that moment of inner peace is not always easy. This is where yoga comes in. I was already a student of the teachings, I just hadn't practiced the lifestyle. Yoga has taught me how to apply its teachings in the outside world. Yoga has taught me how to dig a little deeper to find that peaceful spot and how to strengthen my roots and hold on to those moments a little tighter. I have now found the outlet that lets me apply the importance of positive attitude and gratitude to daily life. Yoga brings me this new level of inner peace -- I was born to be a yogi! :)

So even if you think yoga is not for you, I encourage you to carve out time where you can practice quiet moments of gratitude and positive thoughts. Once you become aware of how that feels, you will be able to recognize it more and live by it even better. It will make so much of a difference that you will find you need these moments, just like how I now need my yoga.

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