Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Welcome to my new blog & thanks for checking it out!

I've never thought about having a blog before and suddenly found myself asking, "Why not?" It combines writing and promotes connections..two things I've always enjoyed.

I love writing - it's a great creative outlet and, especially over the past month, writing has given me clarity and offered me some peace. I just feel better after jotting a thought down in a journal. 

Sharing my thoughts with you not only allows me to connect to others, but also puts me in a position to re-connect with myself. This is just something that I need to do. 

I feel inspired now to do things: new things, things for me, things that will make a difference. I've come to realize this is my life, and I only get to live it once. And you guys get to come along for the ride. I'll share my moments of bright ideas & motivation..that feeling where you can literally conquer the world. I'll share my journey along the way..the lessons, the stumbles. I'll share the moments of my life that fill me with strength, offer me simple peace, or put the happiest of smiles on my face.

It's time to get back to my core, to find my Meghanisms again -- the things that make me, me. The things that no one else but me can offer to the world.

Today I can cross something off of my "new to-do" list for the first time: 
start a blog.  
Now that feels good. 

Why the sudden realization that I need to find myself again? What jump-started  the live-for-Meghan attitude? Why is there suddenly a "Single Girl Project" that I need to rock? That I will save for my next post..stay tuned.


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