Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One day

I had a good day today.

I went to a very(!) early networking meeting and conversed with a wide variety of people -- all looking to get ahead and gain some new business. I unexpectedly ran into a sorority sister from college. It was a great way to start my morning.

Then I spent a couple of hours helping my Grandma with some charitable work which felt really good and served as a reminder that I need to get involved in volunteering again. And I got to spend time with her, always a blessing!

In the afternoon I went downtown to work. I got to park in my new spot in the monthly parking garage (yay for scoring a commodity!) and on the walk to my building, I took some deep breaths to bring myself to the moment. Granted, city air isn't the most refreshing but it was cool & crisp and heightened my awareness of how it felt to be in the midst of the hustle & bustle with my tailored pea coat and new Coach work bag. It was a new feeling, and kind of neat.

From the office, I went to a class at Barre3 in UA. I love love love this facility and the workout I receive there. On the way in, I ran into another sorority sister that I hadn't seen in awhile so that was a wonderful surprise! My body felt every bit of the hour long exercise. This became evident when I lifted my foot to the brake on my way home and the muscles in my leg began to shake!! I called my instructor (also a sorority sister - apparently it was a Zeta day!) to tell her I was really feelin it! But it felt amazing.

After, I grabbed a bite to eat with my friend BB. We went to a charming little place that offers lean Mediterranean food, which went perfectly with the fact that I didn't really want to undo my Barre3 workout. While walking to meet her, I repeated my walk from earlier in the day. I took a couple deep breaths of the evening air and reflected on my busy and wonderful day.

I thought "This is exactly where I should be." A 28 year old single gal walking to meet a girlfriend for dinner in a hip little pocket of town after a fulfilling day of being productive and randomly catching up with friends. And then the interesting thought came to me of how I'm just one person living my life, but in thousands of cities across the country, there are millions of other 28 year old women doing the same thing, living a day fairly similar to mine. Their gyms, their friends, their offices, their little pocket of the world…but most of us probably went through very similar routines and were ending our day with dinner with a girlfriend. I honestly didn't know whether to feel connected, connected to a much bigger.. thing, or to feel disconnected, like when you look at the ocean and don't see the individual drops of water that it's made of. Either way, it was one of those moments that is bigger than you and you just let the thoughts and feelings rush over you. I love that feeling, I love those moments.

Yeah, it was a good day.

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