Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life Transformation - Week 1

Last week I posted about the Life Transformation contest I won (you can read the post here). I encourage you to follow my progress -- I will be posting weekly updates, starting now! In keeping with the fact that I named my blog "The Single Girl Project" I will be calling this my Wellness Project -- so look for that title when I announce a new blog post in the future. This truly is a Wellness Project -- I will have a nutrition guide, a fitness prescription, as well as life coaching. The goal is to have a solid foundation in all areas so as to be your best self. 

{I promise not all of my posts will be this long, but this one has a lot of background info to share}

Week 1 consisted of a fitness & nutrition assessment. I met with Kayla and recorded some base line info and talked about my workout history as well as my goals for the 6 month project. I used to lift weights at least 5 times a week. I loved it, got really toned and really strong. I worked with a trainer, which helped. Then for about the last 2 years, maybe more, I never set foot in a gym. I would hike, walk or bike outdoors but that was about it. I lost a little weight since I wasn't building muscle any more but stayed fairly toned. 

However, I know that I could be healthier. I may be petite, but I am no longer strong, and I'm definitely not conditioned. I used to run a 7 minute mile when I played soccer and I don't even want to know what it would be now! So Kayla wrote up my fitness prescription full of ways to increase my cardio activity and get more conditioned. The plan also incorporates building my strength back up. 

From the nutrition aspect, I definitely need guidance and accountability. I am not afraid of carbs and I could literally eat nothing but sweets & desserts all day long. On top of that, I don't eat a lot. I snack throughout the day (which is good) but only have one moderately sized meal a day. I get full quickly and also I don't really love to eat. I eat because I'm hungry, not because I enjoy it…I know, that sounds terrible. So I told Kayla I wanted lean, filling and healthy options to incorporate into my lunch or dinner but also good alternatives for snacks throughout the day. Since I already use all non-toxic products for my skin, I want to start eating organic, non-toxic foods as well. I have good intentions for doing this, I just don't really know where to start.

Kayla provided me with a very thorough FIT plan for Month 1. 

I must say, when I saw my exercise schedule, I felt like I had just got my class schedule in college -- the  semester when all your classes were at 8am, across campus, or with a professor with a bad rep. I think the classes will be fun, but it will all just be so new. I only know how to be in a huge gym with a ton of other people lifting, where it's easy to fly under the radar. In a class setting, I have this presumption that I will stick out more as a beginner so it's a bit intimidating. I'm sure once I get through my first class and realize that I can handle it, I will feel more confident. It will also be so great to get to know the instructors and other class-goers. I also got a little panicked when I saw this schedule because I have not had a gym routine in years!!!! Those first seven days of creating the habit of exercising are going to be so hard. I know I will feel great after a workout, as I always do, and I know once it becomes a part of my daily routine again I won't even question or hesitate. But that first step is so hard -- that's why it's been two years! And that's why I'm so grateful for this program…having a team there holding me accountable, having a support group there with me…that is what is going to push me to stick to this prescription! 

My other task is to create a food journal. This will help me track my calories and my nutrition. I learned from the assessment that I need 1300 calories a day just for my body to have enough energy to rest, let alone handle any physical activity.  This would probably explain why I always feel tired -- I know I don't consume that many calories. Between eating right and exercising regularly, I will have all kinds of energy coming my way! I am so excited to experience that! 

Do you feel overwhelmed? That was a lot of information, which is exactly what I received during my Week 1 orientation. Next update, I will share my progress with you after successfully being with the program for a full week!

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