Sunday, August 17, 2014

Heart & Soul

I've written posts before about my CAMM girls -- my best friends from college. We're sisters in the purest, truest sense of the word. When I think about my girls, I'm always reminded of the quote from Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and The City when she says "Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with." It is honestly so true!

These girls have my heart, they're a part of my soul. My greatest blessing. They inspire me. They ground me. They accept me. And, most importantly, they make me LAUGH! 

laughin on the dock

We just got back from a weekend getaway to our friend's cabin on the quarry. We did nothing all weekend except relax and laugh. No cares, no schedule, no drama, no judgement. We consumed a lot of calories that didn't count and laughed until our faces hurt. We took photo after photo. We canoed and laid out on the floating dock. We laughed some more. We sat around in our pj's and played truth or truth and ate pizza and fell asleep at midnight. {Gone are the days of closing down the bars -- we've come full circle to middle school slumber parties!} After our hearty breakfast and coffee this morning, it was hard to hit the road back home. It was sad for such a wonderful, perfect weekend to come to an end.

The bond we share, how we can talk about everything and nothing, how we laugh and cry, the way we're there for one another. We make each other so happy, we understand, we're honest. Our group texts that get me through my days [they're pretty much the best iMessage thread you'll ever see in life]...all of these are reasons why I am certain I have the most amazing women in the world to call my best friends, my sisters, my soul mates. These women just literally have my heart and my only hope is that if any of us have daughters, they are blessed with a friendship as blissful as ours <3

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Seek with Intention

"What you seek is seeking you."

My life in the two weeks since I've been back from California has been a dream. I have found clarity. I have found purpose. I have grown into a space that I didn't even know existed. 

I've always been an optimist; someone who can make the best of a situation. I've always been able to "bloom where I'm planted," as the saying goes. I'm just a happy person by nature. In the past year I've been free of a relationship, free of an employer. I immediately remove myself from situations that don't serve me. I immediately separate myself from toxic people. For these reasons, my life is pretty stress free. This life with my friends, my family, running my own does make me happy. And I would be incredibly lucky for this life of mine to continue as it is. I am content existing in this world. 

But I seek to live; not exist. My West Coast inspired reflections have lit a fire within to seek a higher purpose. This renewed spark has caused me to live with greater intention. Intention. This is what has caused my life to change so much in the past two weeks. 

A couple months back I met with my life coach and in the middle of my ramblings about dreams that I had no clear action plan for, she could see that at least the wheels were turning. She said it felt like I was right on the cusp of something great. That I was at a major turning point if I just kept moving forward. Well, here I am. This is it. And it is so exciting I can't sleep at night. Honestly. 

See, in all of my thoughts over this last month of summer, I realized that I had grown complacent with where I was, probably because I did feel so happy. But I'm a whole new person compared to who I was last June. I truly feel like I have a second chance at life. I know that seems dramatic since I never was in a life-threatening situation but it's how I really feel. The simplest way to describe it is that I feel like I'm 25 all over again. Too young to be complacent with the rest of my life. That realization is all that it took. 

My heart, my sub-conscious, my soul -- they all took over from there. I'm living with the simple intention that I want something more and {what do you know} I'm getting just that. Things have been happening in my life these past two weeks that are a part of some bigger, better plan. Everything is aligning and my higher purpose is coming into view. And I haven't had to do a thing but be open to it. It's amazing how that works.